Amy Eklof: Urging the Mayor and Borough Council to Make a Statement

Amy Eklof’s request for The Little Silver Borough’s response to the George Floyd killing

June 4, 2020

Dear Mayor Neff and Little Silver Council,

I hope you are doing well.  I wanted to write to you to discuss what has been going on in Minneapolis and around the world, particularly after the killing of George Floyd last week.  I've been so deeply saddened and angered by the news, and my grief is matched only by the awful fact that what happened to Mr. Floyd is by no means an isolated incident in this country. In fact, it represents only one extremely horrific example of the many racist acts that happen daily.

I would like to know if you have discussed Mr. Floyd's death with our Little Silver Police officers and in our town Council. I would also like to know what you believe are the shared values and beliefs in our Little Silver culture, those you stand for and champion. What are the standards and ideals we must hold each other to uphold and strive to achieve together, especially in these times when we must examine and work against systemic racism? I have been appreciative of the statements of the Monmouth County Law Enforcement Community and those from other town mayors and councils. Just yesterday, our Little Silver Superintendent also shared a statement that I found powerful and meaningful. 

Please know I have tremendous respect for you and the leadership in our town. I know we have wonderful officers that live and work in our town, and I believe in both their and your responsive leadership. Yet, I also know that we must ALL do MORE to speak out and to clearly condemn the horrific actions of the few and recommit ourselves in specific ways to do better for the many who remain unheard. It is in that spirit, that I reach out and ask you to please make a statement. I think it would be incredibly meaningful if you and our town council spoke up and said that the action/inaction of those Minneapolis police officers is unacceptable and indefensible; that it does not represent the good officers here in Little Silver, nor the policy directives of our state AG.  I would ask you to draw upon the leadership Little Silver has shown and our many good endeavors as you emphasize our common values to do more and to do better. As a mother, who at my core believes we must model Empathy and the Courage to Act, I would be incredibly proud to make sure my son heard your messages. Our family has been honored to be a part of every effort locally that we could to give more, to let you and our first responders know just how thankful we are for your front-line service (and not just in these times of Coronavirus), and to take action that reflect equality and the importance of a common humanity. I recognize how your job is even more difficult in these times, but I believe words and actions matter. Please, make a statement.

It is not lost on me that I am a white woman of privilege, living in a town with very little diversity. One that we love, but know is like a bubble to some very difficult realities in the world at large. I will never know the fear of sending my son out into the world and worrying that his interactions with the police could be fatal due, in no small part, to the color of his skin. He can wear a hoodie without fear. My husband can jog in our neighborhood without fear. We are white and privileged. We have personally had the good fortune of being kept safe by police officers, instead of fearing them. Almost every encounter has always been positive. We are seen and heard…kept safe almost by default. Never once have we felt any fear about our interactions with police officers. But if I were black, if my husband and son were black, I would absolutely have other fears. And there would be countless other lessons I’d have to impart to my young, innocent son. This is a heavy reality. One I hope to help change. One I hope you’ll help change.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

With sincere appreciation,


Amy Eklof

Little Silver

Chris FoardOur Voices