Resources for Recharge


If you feel your energy and hope fading

Notes for the Weary

  • Remember why you are doing the work and what you care about.

  •  Keep your role in perspective. You are not the chosen one. You are not going to save the world. Not everything can be your concern.

  •  Live well, engage, give, find joy.

  •  Baby steps count. Something, no matter how small, is always better than nothing.

  •  Don't feel you have to do everything or that you must do things you really don't like or feel equipped to do. Trust that there’s someone else out there who likes to (and will) do what you don't.

  •  Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything.

  •  Where your attention goes, your energy goes.

  •  Manage news intake. You can be informed without constantly reminding yourself of the horror.

  •  Recognize that what you see on the TV or come across while “doom scrolling” on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter is not the whole story or complete picture. There is a lot going on that does not get covered.

  • You do not need to be perfect. Your event/action does not need to achieve perfect results.

  •  There’s always another path. You might ask, ‘What happens if they win? What happens if | lose?” Answer: You pick yourself up and do it again — altering your course based on what you learned the last time around.

Overcoming Activist Fatigue

Are you experiencing activist fatigue? You're not alone!

Two Contra Costa, California Field Team 6 super organizers and activists, Sharon Lord Greenspan and Cathy O'Krent discuss strategies for remaining positive and active through the political adversity and general chaos we face every day.

This meeting of like-minded folks will leave you feeling refreshed, regenerated, and with the tools you need to get back to full strength ... so you can get back out there, and save our democracy in 2022!